The Curry Watersheds Partnership is a highly effective collaboration of four, separate organizations (listed below) whose purpose is to leverage the strengths of each partner organization to improve ecological outcomes, inspire conservation and stewardship, and improve the economic and community well-being of Curry County.
Our Values
The Curry Watersheds Partnership values diversity and openness because it builds resilience, enriches life, and provides checks and balances. We believe that everyone has the right to clean and healthy lands and waters, and that all deserve a seat at the decision-making table. Ultimately, we are committed to the conservation and stewardship of natural systems and we understand that these values are inherently tied to this commitment.*
*Click HERE to read our full statement.

Curry Soil & Water Conservation District
The Curry County Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) is a special district designated by the State of Oregon – much like a port, library or school district. Conservation districts are charged with directing programs to protect local, renewable natural resources, and the Curry SWCD has a long and proud tradition of working with local farmers and ranchers to develop and implement innovative resource conservation projects. The District also serves as employer and designated fiscal sponsor for the South Coast and Lower Rogue Watershed Councils.
The District Board of Directors meets monthly (generally the last Tuesday) at 7:00 pm in the Curry Watersheds Partnership offices located at 29286 Ellensburg Ave., Gold Beach, Oregon. See calendar for schedule.
Current Directors
- Steve Kalina, At Large 2: Chair
- Jeremy Knapp, At Large 1: Vice Chair
- Nick Puhl, Zone 1: Treasurer
- Lynne Dewald, Zone 3
- Mike Roberts, Zone 2

Lower Rogue Watershed Council
The Lower Rogue Watershed Council was designated within a Curry County Coordinating Watershed Authority by the Curry County Board of Commissioners in July 1994. Our members have been and continue to be committed to the health and future of the Lower Rogue River watershed.
We promote the health and function of the Lower Rogue Watershed by bringing differing ideas and parties together to discuss issues in light of available best science to achieve solutions for the Watershed.
The Lower Rogue Watershed Council meets monthly (generally the third Tuesday) at 5:30 pm in the Curry Watersheds Partnership offices located at 29286 Ellensburg Ave., Gold Beach, Oregon. See calendar for schedule.
Current Council Board Members
- James Smith, Local Business: Chair
- Nic McNair, Recreation: Vice Chair
- John Wilson, Commercial Fishing
- Ellie Bush, Shasta Costa Watershed
- Neil Holcomb, Interested Citizen

South Coast Watershed Council
The South Coast Watershed Council serves the majority of the coastal watersheds in the county. These watersheds (north to south) are: Floras Creek/New River, Elk River, Sixes River, Port Orford watersheds, Euchre Creek, Hunter Creek, Pistol River, Chetco River, and Winchuck River. The all-volunteer council is made up of representatives from the smaller councils and other interested citizens. The Council’s efforts are administered by a Coordinator with the help of funding through the Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board.
The South Coast Watershed Council meets monthly (generally the last Thursday) at 3:00 pm in the Curry Watersheds Partnership offices located at 29286 Ellensburg Ave., Gold Beach, Oregon. See calendar for schedule.
Current Council Board Members
- Lynee Dewald, Winchuck River/Ranching: President
- Dave Lacey, Hunter Crk: Vice President
- Nathan Radcliffe, Elk River
- JR Giska, Environmental
- John Wilson, Euchre Crk/Commercial Fishing
- Pete Celli, Recreational Fishing
- Kristopher Murphy, Tribal
- Meg Humphreys, Port Orford Watershed Council

Curry Watersheds Nonprofit
The Curry Watersheds Nonprofit is a 501c3 that supports the missions of the partner organizations; the Curry SWCD and the South Coast and Lower Rogue Watershed Councils. This formally-recognized, non-profit organization is eligible to receive foundation grants and other donations for watershed work. All donations to Curry Watersheds Nonprofit are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.
The Curry Watersheds Nonprofit Board of Directors meets quarterly in the Curry Watersheds Partnership offices located at 29286 Ellensburg Ave., Gold Beach, Oregon. See calendar for schedule.
Current Directors
- Julia Bott: Chair
- Adam Rumack: Vice Chair
- Ellie Bush: Treasurer
- Steve Kalina
- Nathan Radcliffe
What We Do
We write grants and implement restoration projects on Oregon’s South Coast with a goal of improving water quality, rebuilding fish runs, and assisting landowners and agencies to apply best management practices on their land. Heading into the future, our aim is to have the water quality in all of our rivers and streams to be the same or better than it is now.
Projects to achieve these goals include:
- Riparian improvement projects like placing large wood in the stream to enhance channel stability and fish habitat, and we work to increase the areas we have for salmonid summer and winter rearing habitat.
- Fish passage improvements on tributaries to the coastal watersheds, like removing failing culverts and installing bridges or “fish-friendly” culverts where applicable.
- Road inventories to identify fish passage barriers, which we then seek grant funding to replace or remove barriers, especially in anadromous fish streams.
- Wetland habitat restoration in our estuaries, which involves the removal of invasive weeds, planting of native species, installation of large wood in the floodplain to increase connectivity, and placing large wood in the wetlands to increase complexity.
Past Currents
Our work takes time, and long term stewardship is the goal. As we come and go, much like a current, the land stays long past our time. If you want to see what our predecessors were doing in the early days of the Partnership have a look through our archives.
Our work is supported by: