Supporting our communities to care for our lands and waters, now and into the future.
The Curry Watersheds Partnership is a group of non-regulatory organizations working together to help local landowners and communities keep our shared lands and rivers healthy and sustainable. The Curry Watersheds Partnership includes the Curry Soil and Water Conservation District, the South Coast and Lower Rogue Watershed Councils, and the Curry Watersheds Nonprofit.
Enriching Our Community
Our staff and dedicated network of volunteers are focused on improving our watershed health through community based restoration efforts, educating the public, and scientific monitoring.
Community Events
Want to see what opportunities we have for learning more about watershed health?
Youth Education
How can we help you to immerse your children into the natural world?
What are we monitoring in your watershed....Water Quality? Fish Habitat? Vegetation?
Habitat Restoration
Would you like to learn more about how we improve fish & wildlife habitat?
Noxious Weeds
Would you like to learn more about the plants in your yard, your fields, or your forests? Are these plants good or bad for watershed health or for your land management needs?

All of the great work we do wouldn't be possible without the support of our donors and funders, which includes those organizations and agencies recognized below: